Zaproszenie do udziału w konferencji THT 3-4.03.2022

The registration for THT Conference 2022 is now open!
We are honoured to invite you to a two day conference filled with case based lectures.

On Thursday, the 3rd of March there are two separate stages of live
and streamed Sessions with such topics as:

TAVI, Mitral Interventions
Tricuspid interventions
Left atrial appendage closure Interventional Heart Failure therapy
Robotic interventions
Pulmonary & right heart interventions
CT imaging in Structural Heart Diseases

On Friday, the 4th of March, we will be presenting:
Complications in Structural Heart Interventions
Complications in cerebral artery interventions

Find an interesting topic and sign up to watch a live stream!
Register for the conference now:

With kind regards,

Directors of the THT Poland Conference 2022:
Dr Maciej Dąbrowski
Professor Andrzej Ochała
Dr Radosław Parma
Professor Adam Witkowski

    Biuro Zarządu AISN

    Siedziba AISN PTK
